IP Validation API

Dilli IP Validation API(DIVA) is a REST API to detect whether a given IP address has been used to mount malicious attacks. DIVA looks up an IP address against a large list of IPs that have been known to commit spam and cyber attacks. This list is aggregated from third party sources like StopForumSpam, Zeus Tracker and AbuseIPDB to name a few. Validating the reputation of an IP address can help make decisions that help improve business reputation and avoid productivity losses.

Data validation should be an integral part of any business involving online form submissions. While most validations concentrate on form fields, its essential that IP address be scrutinized for reputation as well. Hackers enter valid but impersonified data to escape form field validation. Having an IP check builds an additional layer of security to stop the bad guys from playing spoilsport. A particularly relevant application is in lead generation businesses where the quality of the lead can make or break a customer relationship.

GET https://api.dillilabs.com/diva/<API_KEY>/ip/IP_ADDRESS
404 Not Found : if IP is clean.
200 OK + Source of the IP black listing (ex: stopforumspam): if IP is known to abuse.
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