Amazon features Dilli Labs on Alexa Blog

Amazon Alexa Blog features “Dilli Labs”, its Amazon Alexa Skill Doctor Pooch, Smart City SaaS solution to build Alexa skills- VOICITY and it’s founder – Piyush Hari – in this blog article published April 21, 2023.

Launching “VOICITY” to help create voice assistants for cities

San Francisco, CA: Today, DILLI LABS announced the general availability of VOICITY – a platform-as-a-service product to enable cities across the globe to develop intelligent voice assistants to provide their citizens to have a voice interface to city services. Developed in collaboration with a prominent city in USA – VOICITY is a result of extensive research and development with inputs from an experienced government partner.

Continue reading “Launching “VOICITY” to help create voice assistants for cities”

In Henderson, problem solving goes high-tech

Las Vegas Review Journal – Nevada’s largest circulating newspaper – does an article on partnership between City of Henderson, NV and Dilli Labs to co-develop their Amazon Alexa skill to connect city residents to city services. Continue reading “In Henderson, problem solving goes high-tech”

The City of Henderson, Nevada Wants an Alexa Skill as Local Governments Recognize the Rising Value of Voice Assistants features Dilli Labs in an article on how local governments are beginning to adopt voice assistants to connect city residents to city services.

Continue reading “The City of Henderson, Nevada Wants an Alexa Skill as Local Governments Recognize the Rising Value of Voice Assistants”